Well-being in St Martin through YOGA

Start a healthy way of life today

Discover the benefits through different yoga classes

From Hatha and Vinyasa to Yin and Restorative yoga you can choose the style what is the closest to your heart and what most benefitial to your body/mind in the present moment.

Every class incorporate: yoga postures/asanas, gentle movement sequances, setting intentions, breath work/pranayama, guided relaxation and meditation/savasana to support increased awareness and mindfulness of the breath and body, quieting of the nervous system. In the classes you gain flexibility and strength but the main focus and the building block is the connection with yourself, to respect our bodies and practice only what feels good, followed by a peacefull meditation. That’s why one of my favourit motto is: 

It’s not about being good at something

It’s not about being good at something

There are yoga seances in groups and in privat classes as well. In the privat yoga I design a personalised class to the desire of each individual of their own level and need.

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